【Event News】Successful International Exchange Between S3TW and SfS at ICServ 2023

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Professor San-I Huang, the President of the Service Science Society of Taiwan (S3TW), and Professor Justin Gu, attended the International Conference of Serviceology 2023 (ICServ2023) hosted by the Society for Serviceology (SfS) at Tokyo Institute of Technology from September 14th to 16th. During the event, President Huang engaged in academic exchanges with SfS experts and seized the opportunity to promote the upcoming International Conference on Service Science and Innovation 2024 (ICSSI 2024), organized by S3TW.

ICServ 2023 centered around the theme "Re-connection & New Connection of Sustainable Growth," with discussions spanning sustainability, service management, service design, digital services, service experience, and service engineering. Over 50 papers were presented across two keynote sessions and parallel tracks. In recognition of SfS's 10th anniversary, a roundtable discussion featuring past and present SfS Presidents, as well as emerging scholars, was held. Several attendees fondly recalled their participation in the collaborative seminar between ICServ and ICSSI in 2018, leaving them with a lasting impression of Taiwan. President Huang took the opportunity to invite attendees to ICSSI 2024, scheduled to be held at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan.


President Huang (second from the left), Prof. Gu (first from the left), and Prof. Hidaka, Chair of ICServ 2023 (second from the left), in a group photo.

Professor Hidaka, the Chair of ICServ 2023, enthusiastically supported the promotion of ICSSI 2024. He allowed S3TW to distribute promotional materials at the registration desk and invited President Huang to introduce S3TW and ICSSI 2024 during the event's dinner. Additionally, S3TW showcased a promotional video for ICSSI 2024 during the closing ceremony, generating substantial interest among attendees. Dr. Mochimaru, President of SfS, expressed eagerness for future collaborations and assigned Dr. Takeshi Takenaka to maintain contact with S3TW for further discussions.

President Huang and Prof. Gu's participation in ICServ 2023 not only achieved the goal of promoting ICSSI 2024 but also fostered fruitful exchanges with SfS experts. Both organizations look forward to more opportunities for academic exchange, talent development, and industry-academia collaboration in the future.