【Event News】Southern District Alliance of Service Science Society of Taiwan held a special lecture

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Southern District Alliance of Service Science Society of Taiwan held a special lecture on "The Rise of Sustainable Power: CSR x SDGs x ESG" to discuss the global environmental change and sustainable development trend of Service Science Can Help+ on December 28

        The seminar on sustainable development was held at the first campus of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology on December 28, 2022. In particular, Professor Hu Hsiu-Hua, Chairman of the Chinese Business Ethics Education Association/Department of International Business Management, Mingchuan University, was invited to serve as the lecturer to share the current sustainable development trend, own experience and views, In addition, Professor Chou Tung-Hsiang, convener of the South Area Alliance of the Service Science Society of Taiwan/Department of Information Management, Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, served as the moderator. This activity takes "sustainable development" as the main axis, discusses the international trend of implementing sustainable development in response to environmental changes, and helps participants to have a clearer understanding of sustainable development through the definition of CSR x SDGs x ESG, so as to think about how to solve the existing sustainable development problems through service scientific methods. This purpose echoes the "academic research and development" goal in the development axis of the society, Promote the prospective research and application of service science and create the unique value of service science.


A total of 20 guests from academic circles and industries attended the event, including Secretary-General Fu Peiping of the Service Science Society of Taiwan, Professor Wang Hei-Chia from the Department of Industrial and Information Management of National Cheng kung university, Professor Shiau Jiun-Yan from the Department of Logistics Management of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Assistant Professor Hong Yu-Wen from the Department of Information Management of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, students from graduate and doctoral programs of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, and people from medical, yacht and chemical industries.


United Nations has issued the "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". Sustainable development can not only help the world to be better, but also create unlimited business opportunities. In these years, sustainable development has become a new common language of the world, and the world is working together to achieve common goals. In this event, Professor Hu discussed the three most common keywords (CSR, SDGs, ESG) of sustainable development issues.

        According to the SDGs released by the United Nations, there are 17 development goals. Professor Hu concentrated and refined them into five aspects, including people, prosperity, planet, peace and partnership. As for ESG, Professor Hu defined it as environmental care (E), people-oriented (S) and economic interests (G) and implemented the sustainable goal through the three. Therefore, Professor Hu believes that the three stages of sustainable development are the corporate responsibility for social responsibility (CSR), the realization of sustainable responsibility goals (SDGs), and the means of implementing sustainable goals (ESG), and the realization of sustainable development through the combination of the three. At the end of the event, Professor Hu also shared with the guests the actual actions of enterprises to promote sustainable development and led the participants to think and practice the possibility of sustainable development with the people-oriented spirit through the sharing of actual cases.


The event " The Rise of Sustainable Power: CSR x SDGs x ESG " ended successfully!  Through Professor Hu Hsiu-Hua's wonderful and selfless sharing, I believe that all the participants have gained a lot after participating in this activity and have a clearer understanding and understanding of sustainable development. Through this activity, we hope not only to convey the concept of sustainable development, but also to develop the best solutions for various innovative issues through the spirit of "people-oriented" service science, so as to carry forward the unique value of service science.

